Bonitos Companeros Pablo Picasso

Womanizer of An Exellent Choice x Bonitos Companeros Miss Dixi Dee

Eyes and knees clear without remarks
DNA tested clear of Epesodic Falling Syndrome and Curly Coat & Dry Eye

A painting by Picasso is something truly special, and we’ve experienced that firsthand now. We love our little artist who comes from Germany.

I was searching for an offspring of Bonitos Companeros Napoleon, but since he is now in Brazil, there was no way to get a puppy from him. To my great joy, I have been fortunate enough to bring home a grandchild of Napoleon. Picasso has a fantastic grandfather, and I am so grateful that we were able to buy a puppy with Napoleon’s lines from Markus Kirschbaum. Picasso’s father, Womanizer of An Excellent Choice, comes from the Netherlands and, like Picasso’s mother, Dixi, is marked tricolor. Now we’re keeping our fingers crossed that this boy will pass his health certificates with a clean bill, as we are eagerly hoping to see offspring from him and follow the development of his puppies. Picasso is just like a sweet, gentle teddy bear. He has loads of silky soft fur and an absolutely wonderful, mild temperament. That’s why he goes by the nickname Teddy when his owner talks to him. You just want to pick him up and cuddle with him in bed, which is where teddy bears are supposed to be…